9 Tips To Become A Better Writer

How To Become A Better Writer: 9 Tips For New Writers

In the digital world of communication, creating powerful content makes all the difference. Become a better and powerful writer that will help you accomplish what you want quickly and easily. 

Today, we will share ten simple tips on how to become a content writer in this blog. This article is more than just writing practice tips but a pool of successfully practised tricks by many famous writers. Culminate these content writer skills to become what you seek.

1. Understand the basics

Always remember your verbs. It would be best if you were open to constantly changing content through continuous updates and regenerates. Find ways like the ghost writer to learn your words and update them with your poor vocabulary. But make sure you use it as naturally as possible for your layman audience. Tweak verbs and revise them to create the potential content. Your aim must be to regenerate change in your audience’s thinking or behaviour.

Find verbs that communicate strong emotions. We all understand the concept of drama, but how do you create a compelling story conveyed through plain and simple words? Improve your reading habits to learn some attractive verbs that are important to your business. Write or share messages that move people to action. Strike a chord by exciting your readers by communicating emotions.

2. Write with pre-determined intention

Some feel writing is as easy as spitting out the words, well it might be that simple for a few, but it’s not that common. You have to focus on constructing your sentences intending to connect with people in some way. If you don’t connect, it’ll fall flat and be sent off into the void. Make sure you’re creating sentences that make your point crystal clear. 

Remember, you are writing for a definite goal. Ensure that you have that predetermined intention clear in your head before you start writing. It’s about using writing to get the job done. Use your unique style and let the content flow automatically. It will help you focus on making your sentences connect by keeping your tone consistent throughout the piece.

3. Avoid clichés

Writing is a subjective experience. The definition of a cliché is subjective. And so is the definition of a rule. The rule is that everything is a cliché until proven otherwise. Every writer I’ve ever met gets stuck in clichés–even when they’re not trying to. I get it. Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, when you write, you tend to mimic the words and phrases of others. 

My suggestion is to remove clichés from your writing. Don’t fight it. Let the cliché fuel your creativity. Let the cliché dictate your method and strategy. But don’t let the cliché consume you. It would help if you came up with a uniquely compelling piece of writing. Instead of trying to fight the cliché, try to improve upon it. You can twist a cliché to your advantage. Expand the scope of the content and bring life to it.

4. Use short sentences

This may be the most important tip to become a better writer, and it should be the foundation for all of your writing tips. You see it a lot these days — the technical writer a long, complicated sentence. It’s packed with every detail imaginable. The reader can’t possibly grasp what the author is trying to convey. So he or she skips right over it. This is bad!

A technical content writer who writes in short sentences can convey a lot of information in a short period, and the reader is more likely to be absorbed and use it in his or her work. There are two primary types of sentences: direct and indirect. Direct sentences are sentences that begin with one or more words before coming to the point. In contrast, indirect sentences might hover around the point before coming to it. Always write your content, indirect sentences that will convey your message easily in lesser words.

5. Write with personality

Whether you’re just starting or a seasoned freelancer, you must possess an undeniable passion and enthusiasm for what you write. It doesn’t hurt to be a bit of an intelligent writer as well. By that, I mean, don’t be like a doormat and let your clients take advantage of you. You’re all about getting the job done, but being respected by your client is also essential.

6. Grow your vocabulary

Write down impressive words you use in day-to-day conversation and write them on a piece of paper. Then, go through your notes and underline any words that have more than one meaning. These are what your readers will see and remember, so use them wisely. Underline words that tend to attract more attention. 

Write down every word that’s not spelt correctly in the email or text. For example, if someone uses the word “lowly,” you should note to avoid such common mistakes in a sentence. Build paragraphs with few sentences, and don’t write paragraphs that could be chopped up and put together into a lesser sentence. We’re at a point now where writers are reluctant to break the “less is more” rule. Write as if you’re still drafting a page of text. Break it up into two paragraphs. Save your time!

7. Use all five senses when describing

You can sell people a car without describing it but by just showing it. However, you are a writer and can’t show your readers anything. So describe your feelings by using all five senses. For example, when describing a rise, try to explain how to smell, feel, look, taste and hear. When you describe a feeling, you should feel it. Use hand gestures when describing a feeling or using body language. This will make your writing much better.

Don’t be afraid to try something different or new. That’s the most exciting part of doing what you love. When you describe a thing, you should feel it. Use hand gestures when describing a feeling or using body language. Don’t be afraid to try something different or even fail. That’s the most exciting part of doing what you love. 

8. When editing your work, read it out loud

By this point in your writing career, you know this to be true. Reading your writing aloud to see the way it sounds to others is a great way to make sure it’s conveying the message you intend it to. When I write, I always start by reading the first paragraph aloud. It always surprises me. I end up thinking of a better way to express what I’m trying to say. 

More importantly, it helps me edit my writing and make sure I don’t muddle the meaning of a sentence. This can make all the difference in crafting the best copy possible. Fill up your file folder with a powerful copy. Remember the adage, “Show, Don’t Tell”? The same concept can be applied to your writing. If you want your readers to do more of what you want, show them why and how they should do it.

9. Practice, practice, practice

To be a better writer, you have to review more often. To review more often, you have to write regularly. To write regularly, you have to commit to writing. It’s essential to write your copy for your website and blog and emails. No matter who you are or what you’re selling, being confident in your writing will give you the confidence to market it effectively. 

As a beginner writer, proper usage of your voice, your personality, your beliefs and your knowledge will help a lot. Use every detail of your life to propel your writing forward. Let your writing flow. Put yourself in your customer’s shoes; imagine that they’re reading your content. Why would they want to read this? Why would they act on what you’re writing? Know your audience.


Writing is a form of marketing, and if you don’t understand how to do it, you’re missing out on a substantial lucrative opportunity as a content writer. By practising freelance content writing, you’ll become a refined writer and write your stories without even investing much time in it. 

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